From the Middle East to the World! No, not petrol! Hummus must how heaven tastes like. But can cats eat hummus and enjoy it like we do?

Hummus is almost always has a place in our fridge and I even have my own recipe for it. What can I say? I like it as a spread, as a dish, as a dip, I would bathe in it if it was possible 😸. Therefore my cats wonder what I eat with such devotion and want to taste it and there comes the question: can cats eat hummus?

Can Cats Have Hummus
Can Cats Eat Hummus? 7

In order to find what happens to a cat if it eats hummus, we need to check the list of ingredients and see if there is any kind of ingredient that may be dangerous for our little friends. Let’s first give the short answer and then the details.

Can Cats Eat Hummus?

The short answer to the question “can cats eat hummus” depends on if there is any toxic item in the ingredients such as garlic, onion or chives. If everything in your hummus is suitable for feline consumption then your cat can eat a few licks of hummus without any issues but even then it is not recommended.

Since cats are obligate carnivores which means that they need meat in order to survive, they get little to no health benefits from plants and foods made out of plants. This is how their digestion system is evolved. They are predators or at least they used to be predators. Hummus is made entirely with plant materials; it is vegan food.

So what is in hummus that may or may not hurt our kitties?


Is Hummus Safe For Cats
Can Cats Eat Hummus? 8

Chickpeas is the main ingredient in hummus. Although, I have written an article on if cats can eat chickpeas and what the benefits and harmful effects of eating chickpeas for cats are, I will give you the headlines here so that you can have an idea about cat-chickpea relation. If you want further information, you can read it later.

Chickpeas are not toxic to cats at all and are safe for feline consumption in that sense. However, as mentioned earlier, cats are carnivores and they need meat, not plants. Whenever a cat eats a plant it takes a risk of bloating or diarrhoea depending on the plant.

Of course, the ratio of the risk depends on lots of factors such as how much plant is ingested, what the plant is, if the cat is used to that specific plant or not, the age and general condition of the cat, etc. Chickpease is no exception.

More than only a few chickpeas can give your kitty diarrhoea. In addition to that, it is empty calories for your cat, so what is the point?


Cat Hummus
Can Cats Eat Hummus? 9

Tahini is ground sesame seeds. As you may expect, it insane has insane amounts of fat and oil which is not good for your kitty. It may cause diarrhoea and/or vomiting in cats. You really don’t want your little friend to endure the pain due to an upset stomach.

Also tahini seeds can increase cats’ body temperature which is very risky for pregnant cats. So if your cat is pregnant, tahini and the foods that contain tahini should be avoided.


Not all hummus contains garlic, but it is one of the most common ingredients in hummus. You should be very careful if your hummus contains garlic because it is very toxic to cats. Only one clove of garlic can cause serious health issues.

Garlic poisoning in cats destroy red blood cells of the kitty and can lead to organ failure, organ damage and even death. If you are worried that your cat ingested garlic, be very observant and careful for the next 2 to 4 days and watch for:

Is Hummus Toxic to Cats
Can Cats Eat Hummus? 10
  • drooling,
  • vomiting,
  • diarrhea,
  • discolored urine,
  • inappetance,
  • lethargy,
  • elevated heart and respiratory rate, and
  • panting.

If you see any of these symptoms, call your veterinarian immediately and act according to the veterinarian’s instructions.


Salt is a controversial subject. Although traditionally it is not recommended, and salt poisoning is said to be a danger. Recent studies show that salt may not be as harmful for cats as it was thought to be. However, until this debate is over, it is good to be on the safe side and keep salt away from our cats.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice and citrus in general are toxic to cats. They can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, depression, and in some cases dermatitis. Most cats avoid citrus fruits completely and really dislike even the smell of them but if your cat eats a citrus fruit or drinks its juice, call your veterinarian immediately.

Is Hummus Dangerous to Cats
Can Cats Eat Hummus? 11

Olive Oil

Neither olives nor olive oil is not toxic to cats and doesn’t harm them if ingested moderately. It may even solve some gastrointestinal issues such as bloating but you should not forget that in the end it is oil and regular consumption may lead to weight gain. Also, if consumed in high amounts it may lead to vomiting and diarrhoea.

Spices and Herbs

Most hummus recipes would involve spices such as cumin. you should know that cats and spices are not a good match. Cats’ delicate digestion systems can not process spices and herbs, therefore spices are invitations to upset stomachs and some of them are even toxic to cats.

Conclusion – Can Cats Eat Hummus?

After all these information, let’s ask one more time: Can cats eat hummus? The answer is they really shouldn’t. Hummus doesn’t really include any health benefits for our feline friends and is very calorie rich so it means that regular consumption of it can even lead to obesity.

What happens if my cat eats hummus?

Although this depends on the ingredients of the hummus, it has a high probability of having garlic in it. Since garlic is toxic to cats, you should very carefully observe your cat and consult your veterinarian if you notice any symptoms of garlic poisoning or unusual behaviours from your kitty.

Is hummus safe for cats?

Hummus has so many recipes but most of them include ingredients that are not safe for cats such as garlic or lemon juice. Since it has tahini in it, pregnant cats should under no circumstances eat hummus because tahini can increase cats’ body temperature which is not good for babies.

Can cats eat hummus?

Cats should not eat hummus. But one or two licks of hummus may not immediately harm your cat as long as it doesn’t include ingredients that are toxic to cats such as garlic, lemon juice, or spices and herbs.

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Author Yusuf Can Ekinci

Father of two cats named Tzatziki & Ouzo. Our small family tries to live without harming any living being. I am a small time farmer who tries to apply natural farming methods. Favorite activities: watching wild life at nature, passing time at home with my cats...

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