Naming a new kitty can be tough considering everybody in the family has their own opinions. Choosing cat names ending in ie or y can be common ground.

I don’t know why but the cat names ending in IE or Y seems to sound cuter. However, it is hard to find such names especially if you want one of the unique cat names ending in IE or Y. Since people love those names and we saw that there is a lack of source for them, we decided to help you by compiling a list of amazing cat names ending in IE or Y.

In this list there are some unique cat names like Mr. Somebody, Juvie or Zombie in addition to the classic cat names such as Kitty, Smokey, Charlie, Maggie or Callie. We split the names under two sections in order to make it easier to choose between the cat names ending in IE or Y.

Cat Names Ending in IE
200 Best Cat Names Ending in IE or Y 5

Before you begin reading the list, have something to note the names you like such as your phone or a notebook and pen. It is easier to note all the names you and each individual in the family likes and then compare your notes to see if there is any common name. This really helps choosing a name everybody likes.

Noting the names also helps with choosing between many names you like because this way you have the opportunity to compare the names you like, seeing them altogether.

Reading out the names help with understanding how the name sounds. It may sound silly but it really helps since it is scientifically proven that hearing a word even from your own voice is very different than just reading it.

Cat Names Ending in IE

The names in this list also include British or Australian words for our little feline friends from those countries such as British Shorthair or Australian Mist. Funny, cute or badass… This list has all kinds of names so choose carefully also considering the personality of your kitty.

Cat Names Ending in Y
200 Best Cat Names Ending in IE or Y 6
  1. Pie
  2. Hoochie
  3. Brickie
  4. Archie
  5. Marjorie
  6. Bixbie
  7. Winnie
  8. Maddie
  9. Leslie
  10. Bonnie
  11. Annie
  12. Pixie
  13. Chappie
  14. Goldie
  15. Freddie
  16. Millie
  17. Cutie
  18. Louie
  19. Quickie
  20. Softie
  21. Footsie
  22. Punkie
  23. Dormie
  24. Duckie
  25. Goodie
  26. Faerie
  27. Sweetie
  28. Calorie
  29. Steelie
  30. Maxie
  31. Dutchie
  32. Baggie
  33. Zombie
  34. Freebie
  35. Clippie
  36. Tie
  37. Grannie
  38. Valkyrie
  39. Biggie
  40. Kylie
  41. Tootsie
  42. Minnie
  43. Trixie
  44. Whoopsie
  45. Frankie
  46. Pinkie
  47. Moxie
  48. Baddie
  49. Indie
  50. Birdie
  1. Sophie
  2. Twinkie
  3. Gracie
  4. Callie
  5. Westie
  6. Beanie
  7. Cookie
  8. Ann Marie
  9. Smoothie
  10. Foodie
  11. Bourgeoisie
  12. Porkpie
  13. Crummie
  14. Genie
  15. Leonie
  16. Homie
  17. Newbie
  18. Eddie
  19. Shortie
  20. Rookie
  21. Alfie
  22. Kiddie
  23. Whoopie
  24. Goalie
  25. Sharpie
  26. Roadie
  27. Lizzie
  28. Juvie
  29. Squaddie
  30. Queenie
  31. Scratchie
  32. Maggie
  33. Wheelie
  34. Sadie
  35. Marie
  36. Boogie
  37. Susie
  38. McKenzie
  39. Goonie
  40. Magpie
  41. Charlie
  42. Brownie
  43. Gendarmerie
  44. Abbie
  45. Wrinklie
  46. Beastie
  47. Hippie
  48. Hogtie
  49. Veggie
  50. Barbie

Cat Names Ending in Y

Boy Cat Names Ending in Y
200 Best Cat Names Ending in IE or Y 7

You can be sure that some of the best words and names in English language ends in Y. It is about the structure of the language. This list includes both boy cat names ending in Y and girl cat names ending in Y. Let’s check some cute cat names for your little friend.

  1. Furry
  2. Hoppy
  3. Security
  4. Rosemary
  5. Navy
  6. Sassy
  7. Toby
  8. Attorney
  9. Charity
  10. Sandy
  11. Tabby
  12. Purry
  13. Daisy
  14. Sammy
  15. Izzy
  16. Mercy
  17. Harley
  18. Ceremony
  19. Royalty
  20. Fluffy
  21. Penny
  22. Trinity
  23. Pokey
  24. Baby
  25. Ivy
  26. Hillary
  27. Discovery
  28. Destiny
  29. Liberty
  30. Bluey
  31. Stormy
  32. Curly
  33. Lucy
  34. Mr. Somebody
  35. Buffy
  36. Teddy
  37. Sonny
  38. Tiny
  39. Dusty
  40. Cutesy
  41. Ruby
  42. Sherry
  43. Melancholy
  44. Kitty
  45. Lucky
  46. Audrey
  47. Peony
  48. Missy
  49. Candy
  50. Celebrity
  1. Chubby
  2. Brandy
  3. Fizzy
  4. Harmony
  5. Presley
  6. Melody
  7. Berry
  8. Serenity
  9. Casey
  10. Smokey
  11. Honesty
  12. Holly
  13. Harry
  14. Fury
  15. Puffy
  16. Lady
  17. Slippery
  18. Emmy
  19. Tipsy
  20. Duffy
  21. Amy
  22. Democracy
  23. Secretary
  24. Journey
  25. Chimney
  26. Cherry
  27. Calamity
  28. Bailey
  29. Strawberry
  30. Iggy
  31. Veterinary
  32. Artillery
  33. Misty
  34. Kennedy
  35. Molly
  36. Rusty
  37. Spunky
  38. Butterfly
  39. Honey
  40. Snowy
  41. Bobby
  42. Marley
  43. Silly
  44. Floppy
  45. Freddy
  46. Peggy
  47. Fuzzy
  48. Buddy
  49. Ally
  50. Rocky

Whatever you name your cat, always remember that all it needs is love and your attention. Make sure to visit your veterinarian regularly, groom your cat according to its individual needs, brush its teeth and provide adequate space and toys according to the needs of your cat breed. You may want to see some cat care suggestions on The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) website.

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Author Yusuf Can Ekinci

Father of two cats named Tzatziki & Ouzo. Our small family tries to live without harming any living being. I am a small time farmer who tries to apply natural farming methods. Favorite activities: watching wild life at nature, passing time at home with my cats...

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  • Wise Kitten Random Cat Avatar

    I love

    • Wise Kitten Random Cat Avatar


  • Wise Kitten Random Cat Avatar

    I jest got a cat thank you so much you help a lot

    • Wise Kitten Random Cat Avatar
      Yusuf Can Ekinci Post author

      You are welcome 😻

  • Wise Kitten Random Cat Avatar
    hala düşünüyoruz

    Hi, thx this helped so much

  • Wise Kitten Random Cat Avatar

    My dad saved 4 kittens from an abandoned house, all girls their names are tiny, Nancy, lady, and cherry

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  • Wise Kitten Random Cat Avatar
    Cristiano Ronaldo

    very useful site