So you have a new kitty or you are thinking of getting one but you don’t know what to name it yet. Maybe our list of cat names that start with P can help you.

People generally reflect their own characters while naming a cat but whether it is a rescue cat or a kitten, it is also important to reflect the cat’s characters and physical features, too. You may find the perfect name for your new friend in our list of cat names that start with P, who knows?

Before you read our list of P cat names, we have some suggestions for you which will help you a lot while looking for a name. There are a lot of names so you may even forget the the beginning of the list when you are in the middle so it is highly advisable to note the names you like as you go. Also reading the names out loud help a lot as it gives you an idea on how it sounds to the ear.

After you are finished with reading the list, take a look at the names you noted and choose among them. This two little tips will save you a lot of time and help you find the perfect name for your little friend.

Female Cat Names That Start With P

Female Cat Names That Start With P
Cat Names That Start With P 6

As a father of one male and one female cat, I can tell you that I don’t sound the same when I call their names. It may be something about my subconscious commanding me to be kinder to my girl cat but whatever the reason is this is the situation. Someday you may find yourself calling out your girl cats name with a soft voice that you don’t use in your daily life so choosing a name that suits female cats from the start can be better.

  1. Padua
  2. Pimento
  3. Pearlena
  4. Pussywillow
  5. Pollyanna
  6. Polaris
  7. Paulina
  8. Penelope
  9. Pip
  10. Palma
  11. Philippa
  12. Pumpkin
  13. Persephone
  14. Provence
  15. Pixie
  16. Portia
  17. Phoenicia
  18. Psyche
  19. Padme
  20. Persia
  21. Peewee
  22. Palmira
  23. Prosperina
  24. Pinky
  25. Priscilla
  26. Perry
  27. Pia
  28. Pacifica
  29. Perfecta
  30. Percy
  31. Peep
  32. Placida
  33. Potts
  34. Petal
  35. Pretty
  36. Peaches
  37. Puffin
  38. Pin
  39. Pepita
  40. Palladia
  1. Padmini
  2. Ping
  3. Puddle
  4. Portly
  5. Patience
  6. Philly
  7. Prissy
  8. Pippa
  9. Pokey
  10. Pocahontas
  11. Pearl
  12. Precious
  13. Prudence
  14. Primavera
  15. Peony
  16. Pam
  17. Priska
  18. Phoebe
  19. Pupa
  20. Papilla
  21. Promise
  22. Popper
  23. Prairie
  24. Pristina
  25. Papyrus
  26. Paula
  27. Perdita
  28. Paradise
  29. Parvati
  30. Pepper
  31. Persimmon
  32. Penny
  33. Penne
  34. Peggy
  35. Paige
  36. Puccini
  37. Pandora
  38. Pebbles
  39. Pillar
  40. Posey
P Cat Names
Cat Names That Start With P 7
  1. Pita
  2. Patricia
  3. Petunia
  4. Prune
  5. Pettibones
  6. Perch
  7. Pastry
  8. Playgirl
  9. Policy
  10. Patsy
  11. Praise
  12. Piglet
  13. Pree
  14. Paris
  15. Poppy
  16. Princess
  17. Petronella
  18. Priyanka
  19. Patty
  20. Pinecone

Male Cat Names That Start With P

I don’t know why but people like giving tougher or badass names to male cats. Although in nature female cats are tougher in general. It might be related to protecting the kittens due to maternal instinct but while male cats are bigger and have more muscles, female cats are fiercer. Or maybe your cat is one of the misunderstood “mean” cat breeds. Well, there is no harm in compensating this issue with a name, is there?

  1. Pavlov
  2. Paolo
  3. Pinto
  4. Pierre
  5. Pagan
  6. Pike
  7. Polaris
  8. Poe
  9. Pickwick
  10. Punky
  11. Proton
  12. Potbelly
  13. Peter
  14. Private Catnip
  15. Prophet
  16. Pablo
  17. Pinkerton
  18. Pushkin
  19. Princeton
  20. Pace
  21. Porter
  22. Percival
  23. Pan
  24. Pecan
  25. Peanut
  26. Panda
  27. Peregrine
  28. Pasqual
  29. Palermo
  30. Papyrus
  31. Pharaoh
  32. Pilot
  33. Pacific
  34. Predator
  35. Palmer
  36. Pericles
  37. Paul
  38. Phantom
  39. Pantera
  40. Psycho
Male Cat Names That Start With P
Cat Names That Start With P 8
  1. Pilaf
  2. Phoenix
  3. Pedro
  4. Popper
  5. Pinocchio
  6. Puck
  7. Poltergeist
  8. Pest
  9. Pasha
  10. Poseidon
  11. Paco
  12. Pesto
  13. Prodigy
  14. Picasso
  15. Patient
  16. Playboy
  17. Pancho
  18. Pooh
  19. Pacifier
  20. Prometheus
  21. Porsche
  22. Paleface
  23. Pirate
  24. Phil
  25. Piston
  26. Packer
  27. Poacher
  28. Pot
  29. Poindexter
  30. Powers
  31. Punisher
  32. Primus
  33. Popeye
  34. Pentagram
  35. Pippin
  36. Potluck
  37. Professor
  38. Preacher
  39. Pooper
  40. Pixar
  1. Perez
  2. Peace
  3. Pipboy
  4. Patches
  5. President
  6. Porker
  7. Parson
  8. Plump
  9. Patrick
  10. Perseus
  11. Piranha
  12. Presley
  13. Pepe
  14. Punch
  15. Punk
  16. Plato
  17. Puffer
  18. Player
  19. Pretzel
  20. Pegasus

Unisex Cat Names That Start With P

Unisex Cat Names That Start With P
Cat Names That Start With P 9

If you want to name your cat after a food or mythological creature, who is to decide that’s a girl or boy name, right? And maybe you simply don’t want to give a name that is just for boys or girls. No matter what the reason is we some amazing unisex cat names that start with P.

  1. Pixie
  2. Peak
  3. Poinsettia
  4. Plum
  5. Pine
  6. Peanut
  7. Pickles
  8. Pinky
  9. Peaches
  10. Powder Puff
  11. Paprika
  12. Panther
  13. Pinecone
  14. Plantain
  15. Piper
  16. Piccolo
  17. Palmetto
  18. Police
  19. Peyote
  20. Pea (Sweet Pea, Snap Pea…)
  21. Phoenix
  22. Peach
  23. Patches
  24. Pip
  25. Pancake
  26. Precious
  27. Pepper
  28. Pico
  29. Panini
  30. Pippa
  31. Poplar
  32. Pixel
  33. Peppermint
  34. Polly
  35. Peony
  36. Panda
  37. Panna Cotta
  38. Pineapple
  39. Pansy
  40. Pumpkin
  41. Puff
  42. Puck
  43. Poppy
  44. Paisley
  45. Percy
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Author Yusuf Can Ekinci

Father of two cats named Tzatziki & Ouzo. Our small family tries to live without harming any living being. I am a small time farmer who tries to apply natural farming methods. Favorite activities: watching wild life at nature, passing time at home with my cats...

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