Fat cat names are fun and obviously accurate. It is unhealthy for cats to gain weight but if you can’t prevent it, it’s best to find a suitable name.

Fat cat names might be fun and cute but just like people, obesity and weight related health issues are real problems for cats. Sometimes the culprit is bad eating habits and other times it may be caused by other related health issues so it may not always be possible to prevent your cat from gaining weight.

Cute Fat Cat Names
360 Great Fat Cat Names For Your Fluffy Friend 9

What you can do is being in contact with your veterinarian and try to give your cat a life that is as healthy as possible and one of the cute fat cat names.

There are so many good names for fat cats that it was hard to narrow down the list. But don’t worry, Wisekitten got you covered 😸 We classified fat cat names under three categories:

  1. Fat Female Cat Names
  2. Fat Male Cat Names
  3. Gender-Neutral Fat Cat Names

Before you start reading the list, we have a few tips that will help you with choosing a name for your little friend:

Note the names you like to a piece of paper or your phone. This way you will have the chance to compare all the names you like when you finish reading the list and pick your favorite

If there is more than one person involved in choosing the name, keep your separate notes and compare your notes after everybody reads the list. In the end if there is any name that exists in all lists, the little furball will have a name that everybody likes.

Fat Female Cat Names
360 Great Fat Cat Names For Your Fluffy Friend 10

Fat Female Cat Names

Female cats tend to get fat especially after they are sterilized. This is specially true if they are not given a cat food that is specially formulized for sterilized cats. But this doesn’t prevent you from naming her “Big Mama” right?

  1. Nala
  2. Gemini
  3. Feather
  4. Pinch
  5. Paddy
  6. Flower
  7. Gretchen
  8. Koala
  9. Tootsie Roll
  10. Ellie
  11. Bloat
  12. Snowball
  13. Stick
  14. Cupcake
  15. Amazon
  16. Miss Piggy
  17. Cake
  18. Marge
  19. Cream
  20. Curvy
  21. Thumbelina
  22. Grace
  23. Peanut
  24. Cheese
  25. Doris
  26. Flopsy
  27. Fitu
  28. She-hulk
  29. Doughy
  30. Thimble
  1. Sleepy
  2. Queenie
  3. Duchess
  4. Cocoa
  5. Inch
  6. Victoria
  7. Twinkie
  8. LouAnn
  9. Cotton
  10. Slip
  11. Teletubby
  12. Big Bertha
  13. Wisp
  14. Ursula
  15. Beulah
  16. Piglet
  17. Delores
  18. Margarine
  19. Tabitha
  20. Swiftie
  21. Squiggle
  22. Mass
  23. Zoey
  24. Boots
  25. Fat Mama
  26. Itty Bitty
  27. Taba
  28. Mozzarella
  29. Olive
  30. Chubby
  1. Beluga
  2. Snug
  3. Wooly
  4. Tinkerbell
  5. Fluff
  6. Butterball
  7. Swirl
  8. Pudgie
  9. Snack
  10. Dino
  11. Lane
  12. Bertha
  13. Lollypop
  14. Vaca
  15. Venus
  16. Nanny
  17. Poly
  18. Big Mama
  19. Snowflake
  20. String
  21. Lady
  22. Fluffy
  23. Breezy
  24. Feta
  25. Lollipop
  26. Aretha
  27. Dulce
  28. Blob
  29. Lump
  30. Bon Bon

Fat Male Cat Names

Male cats tend to be more playful compared to female cats and keep their playful nature a little bit longer however there are a lot of kitties out there who idolize Garfield so you may as well take a look at our selection of names for lazy cats, too.

  1. Chumley
  2. Pillow
  3. Titanic
  4. Ulysses
  5. Atom
  6. Bubba
  7. Turkey
  8. Pumba
  9. Titan
  10. Tundra
  11. Taquito
  12. Scoop
  13. Bruiser
  14. Pharaoh
  15. Frankenstein
  16. Slab
  17. Ultron
  18. Blubber
  19. Beast
  20. Meatloaf
  21. Monster
  22. Jumbo
  23. Patrick Star
  24. Homer
  25. Ogre
  26. Butcher
  27. Big Mac
  28. Terminator
  29. Lumpy
  30. Pugsley
  31. Butch
  32. Taj
  33. Beefcake
  34. Maverick
  35. Hitchcock
  36. Tiger
  37. Max
  38. Boa
  39. Igor
  40. Sphinx
  41. Stuffy
  42. Shrek
  43. Crisco
  44. Magnum
  45. Hannibal
  46. Garfield
  47. Cliff
  48. Planet
  49. Voltron
  50. Baloo
Fat Male Cat Names
360 Great Fat Cat Names For Your Fluffy Friend 11
  1. Flabby
  2. Skipper
  3. Chalupa
  4. Tank
  5. Captain
  6. Kraken
  7. Megatron
  8. Brawny
  9. Doughboy
  10. Gordo
  11. Thunder
  12. Spud
  13. Crookshanks
  14. Burly
  15. Chef
  16. Pudgy
  17. Beefy
  18. Bam-Bam
  19. Big Wheel
  20. Czar
  21. Cheshire
  22. Mars
  23. Cookie Monster
  24. Thanos
  25. Winnie the Pooh
  26. Jurassic
  27. Big Daddy
  28. Bucko
  29. Tyson
  30. Champ
  31. Pigwidgeon
  32. Emperor
  33. Jello
  34. Viking
  35. Ball
  36. Bagheera
  37. Bigfoot
  38. Hugo
  39. Big Ben
  40. Linebacker or LB
  41. Sasquatch
  42. Rambo
  43. Eggo
  44. Phat Daddy
  45. Apollo
  46. Grande
  47. Boomer
  48. Sausage
  49. Goliath
  50. Tater Tot
  1. Roomy
  2. Peter Griffin
  3. Balboa
  4. Moose
  5. King Kong
  6. Duke
  7. Raiju
  8. Orb
  9. Buddha
  10. Spartacus
  11. Semi
  12. Vader
  13. Buford
  14. Dozer
  15. Gordy
  16. Ant
  17. Hulk
  18. Wallop
  19. Optimus
  20. Ram
  21. Waddles
  22. Rocky
  23. Simba
  24. Bull
  25. Chip
  26. Fat Tony
  27. Gorilla
  28. Croc
  29. Hurley
  30. Bully
  31. Big Boy
  32. Marmaduke
  33. Bear
  34. Chunk Norris
  35. Silverado
  36. Burrito
  37. Hemi
  38. Thor
  39. Hagrid
  40. Zarathustra
  41. Cartman
  42. Taco
  43. Fat Daddy
  44. Hoss
  45. Chunky
  46. Biggy
  47. Quarterback or QB
  48. Behemoth
  49. Mr. Big
  50. Hammy
Good Names For Fat Cats
360 Great Fat Cat Names For Your Fluffy Friend 12
  1. Colossus
  2. Hershey
  3. Cujo
  4. Heathcliff
  5. Stocky
  6. Capone
  7. Zeus
  8. Mufasa
  9. Hoover
  10. Yosemite
  11. Giant
  12. Dudley
  13. Fridge
  14. Major
  15. Godzilla
  16. Balrog
  17. Popeye
  18. Maximus
  19. Angus
  20. Bowser
  21. Pudge
  22. Pepperoni
  23. Hercules
  24. Boris
  25. Hyde
  26. Jabba the Hutt
  27. Boeing
  28. Truck
  29. Rushmore
  30. Gordito

Gender-Neutral Fat Cat Names

Overweight Cat Names
360 Great Fat Cat Names For Your Fluffy Friend 13

There are some real gems in this category. If you were unable to find the perfect name for your kitty in other categories, this is surely where you will find it. In the end the name doesn’t have to be gender specific, right?

  1. Sloth
  2. Tubby
  3. Matzo
  4. Slim
  5. Butterworth
  6. Quake
  7. Cheesecake
  8. Panda
  9. Potluck
  10. Whopper
  11. Spike
  12. Molecule
  13. Pork Chop
  14. Pie
  15. Marshmallow
  16. Scar
  17. Nacho
  18. President
  19. Ham
  20. Fitu
  21. Pumpkin
  22. Butterfinger
  23. Belly
  24. Pudding
  25. Porky
  26. Pancake
  27. Waffles
  28. Ton
  29. Two-by-four
  30. Avocado
Overweight Female Cat Names
360 Great Fat Cat Names For Your Fluffy Friend 14
  1. Mighty
  2. Brownie
  3. T-Rex
  4. Mega
  5. Snickers
  6. Cookie Dough
  7. Dorito
  8. Hefty
  9. Giza
  10. Epic
  11. Taffy
  12. Stubby
  13. Cannoli
  14. Supersize
  15. Gordo
  16. Grande
  17. Wobbles
  18. Dragon
  19. Orca
  20. Bug
  21. Cheddar
  22. Dot
  23. Tubbs
  24. Hippo
  25. Croissant
  26. Munchkin
  27. Chocolate
  28. Fluffy
  29. Cheeto
  30. Jelly Roll
Overweight Male Cat Names
360 Great Fat Cat Names For Your Fluffy Friend 15
  1. Scrappy
  2. Pizza
  3. Donut
  4. Spunky
  5. Rhino
  6. Chunky
  7. Juicy
  8. Speck
  9. Butter
  10. Mammoth
  11. Gouda
  12. Button
  13. Grizzly
  14. Grasso
  15. Bon-bon
  16. Beans
  17. Orion
  18. Bacon
  19. Mitis
  20. Meaty
  21. Tiny
  22. Peanut Butter
  23. Tummy
  24. Oreo
  25. Muffin
  26. Taba
  27. Gnocchi
  28. Popcorn
  29. Teeny
  30. Dumpling
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Author Yusuf Can Ekinci

Father of two cats named Tzatziki & Ouzo. Our small family tries to live without harming any living being. I am a small time farmer who tries to apply natural farming methods. Favorite activities: watching wild life at nature, passing time at home with my cats...

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